Monday, July 9, 2007

First RedHead Pixelated Gifts

My first offerings, these first few gifts to give you, which I have worked very hard on and have took me longer than I wanted due to some illness. Finally are here!!!
I have struggled for over a week with a series of serious migraines that have came and gone for every six hours or so for over that week and it has all but drove me batty. The distractions of the creation process has helped sometimes to not focus on the pain.
Well, Let us get down to the nitty gritty though.

The first offerings are from my Pink Tapestry Backgrounds. So you can see what they look like here are so you can preview. They are 12x12 or 3600x3600 pixels. I hope you enjoy them.

Terms of Use are included within the zips.
If I have set up the downloads properly, there IS a password involved, which is simply redhead. If its not set up properly well then forgetaboutit. ha!
That is simply to keep people coming to this site to get the downloads hopefully. You have no idea how long it took me to get those uploaded on that site, omg. I about gave up they kept giving me error after error!

I have created much much more and ALL I have created has been from photos "I" have taken, items I have scanned and manipulated with my own purchased copy of Corel PSP XI. I am self taught at this, so no expert, and just enjoying learning at my own pace. My reasons for offering the creations I make are simple: I want to 'pass it forward' so to speak. So enjoy and if you dont mind, a comment on what you think of how I am doing would be 'nice' upon occasion.

Each day I will try to upload new things I have done, which I have created on my own, there are many new things I have to offer, ribbons of various types, glass looking flowers, paper looking flowers, frames that look like ohhhhhh got to keep some secrets! Lots of backgrounds too! I will be putting things together in sets as time allows.
But we all have to start with a first and my first is this little offering of Pink Tapestry. download here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you!!! :)