Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Karma and Ann Coulter

News reports are saying Ann Coulter, the vitriolic right wing pundit who writes very nasty things has had her jaw broken and wired shut.

What karma.

The Huffington Post has had over 360,000 views on the story, and seem to be only allowing through a small portion of comments. There are only a little over 200 comments based upon those views. It is noticeable that they are censoring the comment board. I would say because the comments about Ann Coulter's 'misfortune' with the wired jaw are probably giving Ann the same kind of treatment she gave the widows of 9/11.

What goes around comes around Ann.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

HAIL TO THE CHIEF: President Barack Obama

I have to blog today. I am so elated. Barack Obama was elected to the United States Presidency late last night and I am gloriously happy at that result.
I fully admit, I have bawled my eyes out in joy, in shock, in AWE of this moment in History.
My husband and I watched television and bounced around on Internet sites for hours last night.
When Barack Obama was suddenly called as the Projected winner of the Presidency we were watching CNN and both my husband and I burst out crying and hugging each other.
What a Moment. What a striking time in history that we have came to, through hardship, struggle, through dark times..through slavery...through civil rights and horrific come to this moment..