Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So you wanna be on TV? A freebie Television Screen Frame

Recently I was exploring my creativity and came up with the idea to make a television screen to put pictures behind..Sort of like the idea of doing those mockups of magazine covers that you put a photo behind. I thought I would share my creation here with you all for a Redhead Pixels FREEBIE. I hope you enjoy it. Please do leave a comment if you download. The tv screen is large and can be resized smaller if you desire. I even added rabbit ear antena for a more old fashioned look and metal looking round knobs and a red remote light. This is not a totally 'modern' tv, but its a fun one. I thought I would make it big so that you all could decide how big you wanted it for your projects and it would retain clarity. The element frame is 3600x3600 and is PSP XI. If you desire another format, leave a message.
I would like to say how very pleased I am that my angel wings have reached 722 downloads! Amazing! I hope they have been enjoyed. It was real fun making them.

To download the Redhead Pixels Television screen frame FREEBIE in psp xi click below link

as per request: DOWNLOAD link to Additional formats (png psd psp)
Please remember, a warm thank you really helps me to want to do more ...73 downloads and five real thank you's or comments ...that doesnt instill me to want to share my creativity much.
Please be kind and leave your thoughts if you download. Thank YOU~


TENTAY™ said...

COol blog =)


tajicat said...

Very cute! Thanks so much for sharing! :)

Lizzerd said...

cute idea... too bad so many people will not be able to use it (I'm still using PSP9 and can't open the file) (and a lot of people use Adobe's Photoshop and won't be able to open it at all).

Unknown said...

Thank you...what a good idea!

The Red Head said...

Thank You so much for the kind comments. I would be willing to make all the popular formats for the tv and in fact all my creations,but I really would like to see more commentary on what is liked or not....to know which direction to go on in.

Anonymous said...

Love this............Thank you! :)

Anonymous said...

Ilove this TV frame, thank you so much!:-)


Lizzerd said...

thank you so much for all the additional formats. As a side note, the only format you really need to share is the .png -- every graphics program out there can open 'em!
Thanks again.

Joy said...

Thank you so much! Yes, wouldn't we all like to be on TV? Thank you also for the different formats.

Jaye said...

Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

This is great! What a neat idea.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the freebie!

Anonymous said...

Very cute idea! Thank you very much. :)

Anonymous said...

Ive seen other TVs but none as perfect as yours..thank you!

Anonymous said...

God blesses your creativity. I have liked your TV a lot. It continues this way. Now lack the parabolic antenna
hug from Venezuela

Unknown said...

Thank You very much

Anonymous said...


cindiaskew said...

wow what a unique idea. awesome tyfs

LVMommy22 said...

what a fun idea! i love this tv, especially with the old rabbit ears, lol! tfs!!!

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to be on TV! LOL...thanks for sharing. I almost didn't see where to add my comment (I am a creature of habbit and not used to the link being under the comments left...sorry). Wanted to leave some love. ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. I already have an idea of how to use this. Have a great day.

J9 said...

Boy does this one bring back memories! Thanks so much, and I needed the PSElements format, so double thanks!

Shannon Marie said...

Thanks for sharing. And I understand the comment thing. I have noticed that I get at least 10% comments for my downloads. Say I had 235 downloads...I usually have 23 comments. And that is how it usually goes. Alot of people just don't care they just want something for free.
Anyways from one designer to the other....thank you kindly for sharing your greatness!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the TV! Great idea. I had a camera already and have really enjoyed adding it to pages. Now the TV will be more fun yet.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Great work and fun

Ella's Design said...

Thanks for sharing your talent! Love this TV frame, will be using it in my latest hobby of digiscrapping! Many thanks!

pier said...

Thank you! Really useful and funny frame :-)