Eclectic,creative,complex and yet easygoing. Opinionated with tact. (mostly). I love color, vibrant, rich color, especially RED,venetian gold,lilac,jeweltones,muted greens,verdegris copper.
I love to play on the computer and learn new things, investigate news,crafts,new music, books. I just love to use the brain I have and learn things I did'nt know before.
I don't like: domineering holier than thou people who think there is only one way. Life is not stuck in black and white for me. I see lots of shades of grey. For a lot of people, life is right/wrong,left/right,up/down. For me, there is a lot of 'in between' for wiggle~room, to effect change and offer growth. MOST important of all;LAUGHTER. FOR WITHOUT IT, we are useless blobs sitting on a couch watching life pass us by. I have to be able to laugh at myself and whats going on around me, or I'd be absorbed in these desperate times of the Earth, in things I cannot control.