Have you ever read the book
1984 by George Orwell? It was written in 1949. For it to be written so much in the past, it is our wake up call to be read NOW.
With more information coming out all the time about how the US Administration under the Bush Presidency has 'fumbled' the ball I found this article at MSNBC very enlightening. I'm sharing it here.
To quote from the MSNBC site :
"Former Justice Department lawyer Jack Goldsmith explains why he fought the White House’s aggressive legal maneuvers in the fight against terror."http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20659806/site/newsweek/There is a lot of apathy in the United States about voting. Few do it. Responsibly if you
don't vote, you don't really have a whole lot of excuse for griping about whats going wrong. Now I say that because
before the past few elections, in my earlier years, I was as well apathetic about government and did not vote. I as well felt I didn't have a right to gripe since I did not do so, even though I did not like what was going on in previous administrations (like Iran/Contra).
I have learned as I have aged to step up to the bat and take an active role in keeping myself informed. We are doomed to repeat our mistakes if we do not remember our History. For that I am assured. That is on every level. Personal and Government.
I feel it is every Americans personal responsibility to be informed about what is going on in their government and not to 'just take for granted' that our government is going to 'do what is right' for us. When I was in school I well remember discussions in History classes on issues of 'propaganda' but it was NEVER discussed in any way that reflected that the US ever 'used it' itself. I have learned as an adult that propaganda is used by ALL GOVERNMENTS, media, lobbyists, etc. Government uses media to get its messages out to the masses. That does NOT assure TRUTH in its message! It reminds me of several movies that have came out over the years about people being led by propaganda virtually the 'walking asleep'. We have had the fine ability to open our mouths and question authority since this country was founded. We do NOT want to lose that unalienable right set forth in the
Bill of Rights.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
My personal views on what has been happening in our Government and the upcoming elections in 2008.
Personally an Independent voter, as well as is my husband, we look to Candidates who possess the history of voting and ideology that as closely relates to our own core values as is possible. There is no 'perfect' candidate out there who agrees with what we value other than
Dennis Kucinich which we feel sadly does not have much of a chance of being elected simply because he is not a 'media darling', tied to big corps or lobbyists like the others in various degrees.
One thing is for sure, Health care, Poverty levels in OUR own country, Food and product safety issues, The UNENDING War in Iraq (DESPITE THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS WHO WANT OUR SOLDIERS HOME), Securing our Borders & immigration, Securing and protecting the Bill of Rights to not ERODE further under any other administration and so much more need refocus and positive attention in a New Administration and Congress.
It is important that we all take note of our local elections as well as State and National to get the final results we wish. We have to become United again in this country and stop allowing Big Media, Corporations and even RELIGION and POLITICAL parties to cause us to 'hate our neighbor'.
My point I guess today is, I wish more people would do research, not be spoon fed every detail of their news from television, mass media and would dig deeper to find the heart of the truth of these difficult matters before us before our Rights, Freedoms and our very lives are forever changed by Big Brother overstepping its bounds.
Do you want a United North America? Canada, Mexico and the United States government officials have been meeting to accomplish this goal for many years now. Are you aware of that?
See Wikipedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_american_unionNAFTA SUPERHIGHWAY: This idea was put into place without congressional approval and is taking place without Americans being asked or consenting. Read more about this here: